March 15, 2016

circa 1932: Adelaide Sharp with some Baha'is in Tehran

Adelaide Sharp is in the front row second from the left. Also in the picture is Shu'a'u'llah Ala'i (later appointed Hand of the Cause), first in the front row, and Ruhangiz Fatheazam, far right.

February 27, 2016

Emogene Hoagg: "exemplary pioneer (of the) Faith”; first confirmed believer in California

She typed the voluminous manuscript of 'The Dawn-Breakers' at Shoghi Effedi’s request.

February 10, 2016

Mishkin-Qalam - 'the leading calligrapher of Persia"

Mishkin-Qalam ("musk-scented pen"), described by 'Abdu'l-Baha as "the leading calligrapher of Persia" who "enjoyed a special position among the court ministers of Tihran" and who served both Baha’u’llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha in 'Akka. (The Baha’i World 1968-1973)

January 19, 2016

Ruhiyyih Khanum with her father, 1948

Ruhiyyih Khanum with her father William Sutherland Maxwell in England, 1948

January 9, 2016

Bahiyyih Khanum - the Greatest Holy Leaf

A colorized picture of Bahiyyih Khanum, the Greatest Holy Leaf