April 25, 2012

Robert Hayden

Robert Hayden

Robert Hayden, a native of Detroit, was a world-renowned poet and the first black to be named consultant in poetry to the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. For more than two decades he taught English and creative writing at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, and at the time of his death was a professor of English at the University of Michigan. He authored more than a dozen books of poetry including American Journal (nominated for the National Book Award in 1978), Angle of Ascent, The Night-Blooming Cereus, Words in the Mourning Time, Heart-Shape in the Dust, Figure of Time and A Ballad of Remembrance (winner of the grand prize at the first World Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar, Senegal, in 1966). A Baha’i for many years, Robert  served for more than a decade as poetry editor of World Order magazine. (Adapted from Baha’i News, April 1990) 

April 10, 2012

Patricia Locke

Patricia Locke (right) and a young Baha'i woman from Pasto Grande, Bolivia, 1989.

April 4, 2012

Muhammad Arbab -- a Baha'i courier in early days of the Faith

Muhammad Arbab

Muhammad Arbab was born in Kashan, Persia, a place which was noted for the narrow-mindedness and fanaticism of its inhabitants. His mother was a believer and had received Tablets from Baha’u’llah. Though born of a Baha’i mother, Muhammad investigated the Cause thoroughly as a youth before accepting it most enthusiastically. This was a the time when Baha’u’llah had just declared His Manifestation in Baghdad (Iraq).

While in Kashan He was subjected to all sorts of hardships and persecutions on the part of the Muslims. He was once attacked by a fanatical mob, his house was set on fire and all his belongings pillaged. Following these hardships, Muhammad could find no other alternative but to quit his home town and emigrate to Tihran. He later managed to successfully engage in commercial pursuits for a period of fifty years. During all this time he was cleverly and tactfully giving the Message to the Mullas, merchants and notables with whom he had dealings. Among these were two well-known Muslim ecclesiastics, Mulla Ali Kani and Haji Aqa Muhammad Najm Abadi.

April 1, 2012